Sunday, July 4, 2010

Hornet Moths near Sandy, Beds.

A tip off today allowed us the chance of seeing 2 of these magnificent moths. These are Poplar feeders, found in a plantation approximately 2 miles from my house nr. Sandy in Bedfordshire.

Hornet Moth
There will be more posts to follow soon. Due to work commitments, WeBS, atlassing and a busy sports calender, I've had little chance for any Blogging. Shortly I will be updating all lists and adding a few recent highlights and innovations.............


  1. Glad to have you back blogging, Matt. I wondered where you`d been for the last few weeks.
    I`d give my right arm to see a Hornet Clearwing.

  2. Cheers Dean,

    A hectic few weeks really, I've struggled with the mothing, though I have continued to record. I'll publish a bit more this evening..

