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The internal measurements are-
470mm long
420mm wide
282mm deep
The whole unit including the 3mm perspex weighs just under 4kg so is easy to manoeuvre.
The body is made of exterior grade 5.5mm ply and reinforced with battens. The electrics are housed within the trap itself in a narrow compartment. (see plan view above). There are no internal rails, so no awkward places for moths to hide. Also, there are no 'blinds spots' as the whole tube is exposed allowing light to be emitted without any shadow. This allows easier access to the trap and enables you to observe the interior even in pitch darkness.
There is a short length of flex with a plug top which can be used straight into a socket or extension lead.
It is recommended that an RCD power breaker is used with any electrical appliance and the trap should not be allowed to get too wet as the fittings are not officially waterproof. This is a trap simply designed for domestic use and should not be used if conditions are too wet, though personally, I've run one for 10 years and never had any problems. These traps can then be varnished or better still painted for increased durability.
See the mains powered collapsible 'Travel Edition' version of this trap HERE
See the battery powered 'Travel Edition' version of this trap HERE