Thursday, April 26, 2012


............and that's an understatement. The mothing has been terrible of late; so bad in fact that I've only had a handful of trap nights in April. Incredibly, this time last year I'd already recorded 54 species of macro. However this year I reached just 30 species on 24th April. So the photos below are ALL the highlights since my last post 2 weeks ago.
BTW- Thanks for the English lesson Mr. Grimsey, my homework will be in on time this week. Spell check doesn't seem to work on Blog titles. Mind you, 'Retched' is appropriate too!

Swallow Prominent

 Powdered Quaker
Both the above represent half the catch on 24th April. The 2 other moths were an Angle Shades and a late Early Grey.

 985 Carnation Tortrix Cacoecimorpha pronubana
Seen on a rare sunny spell during the day on 23rd April.

 On 19th April I found this larval web on a small Hawthorn at Broom GPs. I think they are Brown-tail caterpillars............


  1. I've only had ONE new for year macro in the garden so far this month in seven trappings sessions and that was my first of a probable 200 or more SSD's.

  2. Have you had time for Mothing? I think the SFYL12 is taking over at the moment. I'm only 1 ahead of Mr. Hicks now!
    Determined not to get the wooden spoon. See you at Broom over the weekend.

  3. Mothing is for night time, SFYL is for weekend mornings so no real clash. I want to be sure that I beat MJP though so need to put in the effort using an intelligent approach in relation to sites, timings and weather.
    I have not had the trap out much at it is just crap. Just catching the odd straggler from the March list like Cl.Drab and HC. Wretched is spelt with a w, btw.
