A site dedicated to a homemade garden Moth Trap and the amazing contents found within. My interest was sparked in 2009 by my then 4 year old son, Louie. He and his sister Keely help me in the mornings, photographing and releasing the contents of this Bedfordshire trap. I hope you enjoy the Blog!
Unfortunately the flash has over exposed the shot and the fine lines across the wings aren't clearly visible! Never mind, maybe next time.
N.B.25/11 Having now caught a Winter Moth (21/11), this specimen seems to be much bigger and paler and has all the hallmarks of a Northern................
It's all getting a little predictable now. Hopefully the Crescent and Thorn are different ones. When they are recovered from the trap they are taken to the bottom of the garden out of eye shot from the light. This is a distance of over 100ft.
Not a great deal around. Low cloud with a lot of condensation. Temp, 6-8°C, Light SE breeze;
Slim pickings last night with a noticeable temperature drop. But a Sallow species every night for the last 4.
Bonjour! Another couple of new editions to the garden list. By far the best was this Merveille du Jour (above), it looks even more striking in real life than in any field guide!
As well as this, a Feathered Thorn (right) was skulking beside the trap.
Other trappings;