A Really amazing catch considering it is January. After so much cold weather, a sudden temperature rise(6-8°C) and perfect conditions must have done the trick! No less than 3 new ticks for the garden starting with an Early Moth (top) which was found near the trap on some tarpaulin. Next down was 1 of 4 Winter Moth sp. caught, all preferred to settle near the trap rather than in it. Pictured is the lightest and largest of the 4, but to be honest compared to others I've seen they all looked quite light to me?..........any ideas?-
3rd down is only the second Satellite found in the garden, this one was on the side of the conservatory.
2nd from bottom is a very dark Mottled Umber- finally trapped after endless blanks, a welcome garden 1st.
Bottom is another shot of the Dark Chestnut.
On balance, well worth putting out the trap!
N.B. 1 of the Winter Moths (photo above) now confirmed as a 'Northern' and so is the 6th species so far this year and yet another debutant for the garden. Thanks to Andy & Melissa for confirmation.